Hearthstone Wiki:News 1

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News #1: 22.4 Mercenaries Details
Author: Use25

A deep dive into details of new Mercenaries content in Patch 22.4 (131660).

Limited-time event[edit source]

As announced by Blizzard[1], from February 22 to March 8, 2022, a limited-time event consisting of 10 tasks will be available.

Here are what I found of this series of limited-event tasks by looking at the client data of Hearthstone and extracting them as usual. Keep in mind that the orders might not be correct.

Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
Event Chi-jiTask 1: The Heat is OnComplete Popsicooler Bounty in less than 30 turns in Alterac Valley.50  Chi-Ji Coins, 25  Niuzao Coins▶️Create the destiny you seek.
Event Chi-jiTask 2: A New DawnDestroy Ivus without it going dormant in Alterac Valley.Mercenary:  Chi-Ji (Variation 497)▶️Push forward. Do not give up on yourself.
Event Chi-jiTask 3: Doves of PeaceDestroy Heroic Mad Bomber without doing any damage in the Barrens.50  Chi-Ji Coins, 30  Xuen Coins▶️Learn to look at the world in a different light.
Event Chi-jiTask 4: Invokers of HopeComplete Heroic The Annointed Blade Bounty with only Casters in Felwood.50  Chi-Ji Coins, 35  Yu'lon Coins▶️Become the beacon of hope others so very need.
Event Chi-jiTask 5: Bite of WinterComplete Heroic Ahune with at least 3 Beasts in Winterspring.60  Chi-Ji Coins, 40  Xuen Coins▶️When faced with challenges, what do you hope for?
Event Chi-jiTask 6: Nature of the BeastComplete Heroic Ivus with at least 3 Beasts in Alterac Valley.60  Chi-Ji Coins, 40  Niuzao Coins▶️Without hope, there is no light in the future!
Event Chi-jiTask 7: Fall and Rise TogetherRestore 100 health or more in a single turn with Chi-Ji.Mercenary: Golden  Chi-Ji (Variation 496)▶️We must never give in to despair.
Event Chi-jiTask 8: Song of HarmonyComplete Heroic Lokholar with only Beasts and Dragons in Alterac Valley.70  Chi-Ji Coins, 50  Long'xin Coins, 50  Yu'lon Coins▶️Seek balance in all things.
Event Chi-jiTask 9: Take FlightComplete Heroic Balinda Bounty with at least 3 Dragons in Alterac Valley.75  Chi-Ji Coins, 50  Yu'lon Coins, 50  Xuen Coins▶️Another challenge awaits.
Event Chi-jiTask 10: Hope Springs EternalComplete Heroic Balinda Bounty with all your Mercs alive in Alterac Valley.80  Chi-Ji Coins, 75  Long'xin Coins, 75  Niuzao Coins▶️Your hope shines brightly. Now go, seek out the others and light their path like I once lit yours.
(10 results)

A bit breakdown from this table:

  • You will get a total of 1015 coins from completing all of this 10 tasks, including:

At this point, I don't know the exact time period that starts or ends the event yet, since it's implemented by server, not client.

Vanndar and Kazakus bounties[edit source]

While I don't have any details about the boss encounters we will get to see after March 8, these new cards I detected in client data might hint at something. Keep in mind that any stats or numbers are cilent-side and not likely to be official numbers to be used in gameplay, since before you start a game, there is heavy modification to apply these kind of stats.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
LETL 859H MercCard0.png
After 4 turns, Vanndar will complete his conquest of Alterac Valley! (4 remaining.)
LETL 859H2 MercCard0.png
Dies when Vanndar dies.
LETL 859P1.png
Return a random enemy Merc to the bench. It cannot act next turn.
LETL 859P2.png
Gain +100 Attack and Immune while Attacking. Attack all enemies.
LETL 859P3.png
Deal 50 damage to all enemies, reduced by the damage dealt to Stormpike Marshals this turn.
LETL 860H MercCard0.png
Huh? He doesn't look that threatening.
LETL 860H2 MercCard0.png
Whenever this is Attacked, it takes Critical Damage this turn.
LETL 860H3 MercCard0.png
LETL 860H4 MercCard0.png
Dragons deal 5 more damage.
LETL 860P1.png
Fill your board with 20/20 Low Golems with Taunt.
LETL 860P2.png
Become a Dragon. Gain +60 Health and deal 20 damage to all enemies.
LETL 860P2 05.png
Become a Dragon. Gain +80 Health and deal 25 damage to all enemies.

New unknown abilities[edit source]

Here are the new abilities added in 22.4 that do not belong to any mercenary. They could be possibly treasures or boss abilities. Take a look around!

Card changes[edit source]

Techincally, there are card changes in 22.4. However, they are just about fixing consistency issues in card texts, nothing more. There are no truly notable changes.

This does not include card art changes, which is impossible to detect with tools.

Task changes[edit source]

Truth to Blizzard[1], all Task 7: Defeat 2 Heroic boss are changed into Complete 2 Heroic Bounties. Outside of that, there are no other changes to tasks. There is a bug fix to Story 33 though.

Others[edit source]

  • Don't forget to take a look at our new articles for new mercenaries in 22.4!
Level max mercenaries
Level max mercenaries
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
  • All new tasks are available for querying in Special:RunQuery/Mercs/Task. If you want to look for limited-time event tasks, try filtering name "Event Chi-Ji".
  • Audio files for voicelines will be updated later (I can't estimate when to complete this process yet, probably at worst 2-3 days later).
  • Fixed cooldown change errors in Card changes section of Mercenaries cards
  • Updated outdated  Fel Infernal 1/2/3/4/5, Hulking Overfiend minions card images
  • Fixed  Fel Core 2's wrong upgrading cost (it's initial tier, should be 0, not 150 previously).
  • Fixed some of Mercenaries cards with bugged How to get section.
  • Fixed Mercenaries  Valeera Sanguinar,  Vol'jin and  Lokholar the Ice Lord whose tasks were wrongly orders. (Thanks to lukipr0#3130 (Discord) for informing to me!)
  • Fixed Mercenaries  Sky Admiral Rogers,  Trigore the Lasher and  Vanessa VanCleef whose tasks were displayed twice. (Thanks to lukipr0#3130 (Discord) for informing to me!)

References[edit source]