Hall of Fame enchantment list

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The following page lists all known enchantments related to the Hall of Fame card set. For basic information on enchantments, see Enchantment.

Note that some of the associations between enchantments and their related cards may be incorrect, since there is no way to determine this for certain without extensive in-game testing. Because of the way the wiki imports data, some enchantment data may also be out of date, and may therefore not match the stated effects of the related card, or that shown on the enchantment in-game. Editors are free to correct incorrect or out of date information, but should only do so if the correct information has been clearly witnessed in-game.

Regular play[edit | edit source]

Related card Enchantment Text
 Conceal Concealed Stealthed until your next turn.
 Emboldener 3000 Emboldened! Increased Stats.
 Power Overwhelming Power Overwhelming This minion has +4/+4, but will die a horrible death at the end of the turn.
 Poultryizer Transformed Has been transformed into a chicken!