Frost Lich Jaina

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For other uses of Jaina Proudmoore, see Jaina Proudmoore (disambiguation).

Frost Lich Jaina is a legendary mage hero card, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Knights of the Frozen Throne
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Knights of the Frozen Throne
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Ban lists

Frost Lich Jaina is in these ban lists:

  • Hero cards - Hero cards cannot be drafted in Arena.

Related cards

ICC 833h.png
Tied Hero Power


To edit these notes, go to Template:Frost Lich Jaina notes.

  • For information about the functionality of hero cards in general, see Hero card#Notes.
  • Lifesteal to Elementals are given as an aura effect originating from the hero itself, which means Silence will not remove Lifesteal from them.


Play▶️Do not fear power. Fear those who wield it!
Attack▶️I'm ready.
Death▶️<death sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️You're shivering. Are you afraid?
Emote: Well Played▶️<VO sound>
Emote: Oops▶️A fatal mistake.
Emote: Threaten▶️Bow to your queen!
Emote: Thanks▶️Thank you.
Concede▶️I concede to your power.
Running out of time▶️The time is now!
Thinking▶️Time melts away...
Thinking▶️Hmmm, I must decide...
Almost out of cards▶️I'm almost out of cards!
Out of cards▶️I'm out of cards!
Emote: Wow▶️By my frozen heart!


Frost Lich Jaina is the death knight version of  Jaina Proudmoore.

In the web comic Undeath Conquers All, a  Pompous Thespian - at the behest of a  Bloodsail Raider-like pirate and several other tavern patrons - begins telling a tale about the Scourging of Lordaeron, and of how Prince  Arthas Menethil and his former love interest Lady Jaina Proudmoore rushed to face the threat of the undead. The pirate complains that the audience already knows the story, but the thespian replies that she shouldn't spoil it for those unfamiliar with the tale. The thespian contiues by describing the terrible dilemma faced by Arthas, Jaina, and  Uther Lightbringer at the city of Stratholme, whose citizens had not yet turned into undead. Arthas wanted to cleanse the city with fire, while Uther believed that its inhabitants could be saved. The pirate interrupts the story again, again saying that she already knows the tale of Arthas' fall, but in response, the thespian changes the story by stating that Jaina decided that Arthas couldn't succeed without her and that the plague needed to be eradicated. Thus, Jaina joined Arthas in destroying Stratholme, and the two of them vowed never to leave one another's side.

The thespian continues by telling of how the Frozen Throne whispered to Jaina and promised her the power to battle and ultimately control evil, and of how Arthas and Jaina knelt before the Frozen Throne together, offering fealty to the dark force that had drawn them together again. Together, the death knights Arthas and Jaina waged war against the living, causing the world to cry out for heroes to stand against them.  Thrall answered the elements' call and began the long journey to Icecrown, while across the sea, Uther the Lightbringer tracked down his former pupil. Arthas and Jaina easily defeated Uther and continued to destroy in the Frozen Throne's name, with not even the might of Dalaran being able to stop them. However, they were not destined to remain together forever, for the throne called for them to return to Northrend, stating that it would choose only one of them to inherit its power. When the two death knights arrived, they were ambushed by Uther, who had also been transformed into a death knight by the Frozen Throne. Suddenly, Thrall appeared and urged Arthas and Jaina to return to being the heroes they once were, but he was swiftly silenced by a blast of magic which transformed him into a death knight as well.

The Pompous Thespian's story ends with a massive battle between the undead Jaina, Uther, and Thrall, with the moral of the story being that the Frozen Throne does not bring people together, but rather pits them against one another until only the strongest remains. However, the pirate replies by asking who won the fight. The thespian protests that that is not the point of the story, but after being offered more gold coins he concedes that Jaina won.

Jaina's association with ice magic and water elementals, in death as well as life, strongly suggest an association with the Frost death knight specialization.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
"Combining martial prowess with supernatural cold, frost death knights leave their enemies chilled to the bone—and broken of the will to fight. Unlike mages who learn to harness frost magic to great effect, these death knights are born of it, rime gripping their decaying hearts. These frozen undead warriors wield dual blades to strike with ferocity and inflict deathly cold upon anyone who would stand against them."

For more information, see Knights of the Frozen Throne.


  • Frost Lich Jaina underwent many design changes during the development of Knights of the Frozen Throne. Originally, Frost Lich Jaina gave your Elementals in-deck, on the field, and in your hand +2/+2. but it was "It was a bit weird, because sometimes you would summon elementals later and they wouldn't get the +2/+2". Another version of Frost Lich Jaina saw her summoning 2 Water Elemental and an early hero power saw scaling based on killing minions, where each time it killed a minion, it would gain an extra damage. It did not summon the Water Elemental. Another early design saw her "Summon  Sindragosa", although it's unknown what this entailed.[1]


Patch changes

External links

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Designing Hearthstone's Death Knights - IGN. (2017-09-14). Retrieved on 2017-09-14.