Halveria Darkraven (Tavern Brawl)

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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
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The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
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You might be looking for one of these cards: Halveria Darkraven, Halveria Darkraven (hero), Halveria Darkraven (Twist hero).

Halveria Darkraven is a Tavern Brawl hero, for use in specific Tavern Brawls.

Tavern Brawls[edit | edit source]

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Equip Sorrowchord

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

▶️Halveria Darkraven is a master of crafting deep lyrics. I wonder what I could learn from her...
Halveria Darkraven
▶️I'm trying to write a lament. I need some time alone.


Halveria Darkraven
▶️The life of a musician isn't easy. I won't take pity on you.
▶️It's worth it to make music that reflects who I am!

Emote Response

Halveria Darkraven
▶️You mock my pain!

Hero Power

Halveria Darkraven
▶️Sorrowchord, make music with me!
▶️My suffering is my song.
▶️You can't hurt me more than life already has.


Halveria Darkraven
▶️Do you need to tune something?
▶️Silence is its own song.
▶️I'll just be here, writing my poetry.

Lorebook - Tearstained Diary

▶️Nobody believed I'd keep writing music. They laughed when I named my guitar. But I've never found anything else that lets me express myself so clearly. Music is truth... and truth hurts.

Turn 3

Halveria Darkraven
▶️If you want to make real music, you have to feel your pain.
▶️Music can be about anything. Peace, harmony, beauty!
▶️Music can be about anything. Rage, strength, noise!
▶️Music can be about anything. Light, love, joy!
▶️Music can be about anything. Rhythm, style, flow!
▶️Music can be about anything. Tempo, power, composition!

Turn 5

Halveria Darkraven
▶️Every emotion, every shed tear... turn it into lyrics.
▶️You shouldn't have to suffer for your art.


Halveria Darkraven
▶️We may feel differently, but I respect your passion for song.
▶️You played well! I admit, I cried a little.


Halveria Darkraven
▶️Finally, time to myself again.


Patch changes