Hearthstone Wiki:News 3

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News #3: March - early April 2022 summary
Author: Use25

Summary of works done from March to early April, 2022.

Wiki - News 3.png

It's time to summarize what we worked on so far from early March to early April, 2022.

Providing visual of card changes[edit source]

  • For the first time ever, we will provide you visual representation of card changes that are not represented in the blog using technical solutions!
  • Check out Hearthstone Wiki:News 3/Visual for full list!

Constructed[edit source]

  • We want to hold on updating Core and our database of Core cards until we know what exactly is going to happen technical-wise on April 12, since this will be the first rotation of Core.
  • All Voyage to the Sunken City card articles are created.
  • All Voyage to the Sunken City card arts are uploaded.
  • Standard format will be separated into smaller articles, each representing a year of Hearthstone. Let's check out an example, Year of the Hydra. Following that, these Year articles will also reserve all the updates, changes, and major new features that occured during that year.
  • From Patch 22.6 (build 134558), we will start backuping card images that appeared in a patch before they received any functional change.
    • For example, File:DRG_229_build134558.png depicts the card with id DRG_229 in patch whose build number is 134558.
    • Old card images for older patches will be uploaded in the future, provided that we have enough time.
  • New article: Naga. Naga-related, Naga-generating will be redirected to this article.
  • New article: Put on deck. This article depicts a mechanic heavily used in Voyage to the Sunken City. Some older cards like  Sightless Watcher and  Lorekeeper Polkelt should also be included this mechanic.
  • New article: Dredge.
  • New article: Colossal. Colossal-related, Colossal-generating will be redirected to this article.
  • Patches article received a huge revamp. We will now use an automatically-updated table instead of a manually-written list of patches.
VersionBuildRelease dateHighlights
29.4.2 200097 2024-05-23 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes
29.4.0 199503 2024-05-17
29.4.0 198933 2024-05-14 Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions mini-set, New Twist heroes, Card changes, Event Track: Aisle of Mischievous Toys
29.2.2 198711 2024-04-26
29.2.2 198608 2024-04-25 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes
29.2.0 198037 2024-04-16 Battlegrounds Duos and Season 7, Card changes, Battleground card changes, Arena rotation, Event Track: Double Trouble, Diamond hero skins
29.0.3 197064 2024-03-28 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes
29.0.0 195635 2024-03-11 Whizbang's Workshop release, New year: Year of the Pegasus, Card changes, Arena rotation, Event Track: Whizbang's Workshop, New types of catch-up card packs
28.6.3 195316 2024-03-02
28.6.2 194648 2024-02-22 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes

Battlegrounds[edit source]

  • All Battlegrounds heroes and bartenders received image updates: they will now have hero frames exactly like in-game ones to distinguish them from Constructed heroes.
  • Hero now groups heroes by Armor Tier like when Armor system was available.
  • Fixed Minion where a lot of token images were missing.
    • This article was also one of the most 10 viewed articles last March. We will try to update this article much more frequently from this now on.
  • New article: Armor.
  • Fixed Hero bug where some heroes were missing their Hero Power.

Duels[edit source]

  • New Duels card articles are available. Duels has also been updated.

Elise Starseeker
Brann Bronzebeard
Reno Jackson
Sir Finley
    • Following that, all Tombs of Terror's Signature Treasures and heroes articles now have a suffix (Tombs of Terror) to make rooms of Duels versions of these cards.
  • We just added these cards to the Banned from Duels deck-building list. Please inform use25 (Twitter or Discord immediately if you find out some of these are not supposed to be in this list, or if there are more cards. Special thanks to Persia on Twitter for compiling this.

Reckless Apprentice
Mr. Smite
Snowfall Guardian
Sir Finley of the Sands
Reno the Relicologist
Elise the Enlightened
Dinotamer Brann
Reno Jackson
Elise Starseeker
Sir Finley Mrrgglton
Brann Bronzebeard
    • This does not include all Core version of cards that are about to be rotated, as long as their Legacy version is still usable ( War Cache usable, but not  War Cache for example).
  • Pool changes for Passive treasures have been updated to 23.0.1.
  • We are currently missing info about the treasure pool for Flo Slatebrand and Uldum Treasure Cache. If you know something, inform use25 (Twitter or Discord.
    • Tombs of Terror may be able to assist you in helping us identify the treasures.

Mercenaries[edit source]

  • All articles about Village buildings received a huge revamp: They should now contain a lot of information you may find useful, including history from early access.
  • New query: Mercs/Bounty! Now you can search Bounties by Zone names, Bounty names, Mercenaries names, or Mercenaries rarities.
  • New article:  Murky.
Level max mercenaries
Level max mercenaries
Swipe left or right to see the cards.

Others[edit source]

  • Rewards Track has been updated.
  • All hero skin articles from Patch 22.4 to Patch 23.0 should now be properly updated with obtaining history and voiceline types included. "How to get" sections of these hero skins will be updated later.
  • All new audio files from Patch 22.6 to Patch 23.0 have been uploaded.
  • All underlay audio files from United in Stormwind to Voyage to the Sunken City have been uploaded. This should fix some minions' articles with weird "?" in Sounds section.
  • All new achievements from Patch 22.6 to Patch 23.0 have been uploaded. We also backed up the XP data for Gameplay - Alterac Valley achievements.
  • We will try to upload as many gameplay videos as necessary to help explaining definitions, mechanics and functionalities stated in many articles. As you can see, we have uploaded a lot of videos for Voyage to the Sunken City card articles, Dredge, Colossal, Fighting Pit gameplay, and many more coming soon.

Use25 (talk) 12:25, 10 April 2022 (UTC)