Jerry Cheng

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Jerry Cheng is a Blizzard employee who formerly served as a senior software engineer on the Team 5 Hearthstone development team.

In January 2022, Cheng moved onto the Diablo IV team at Blizzard.[1]

Credits card[edit | edit source]

Jerry Cheng

Notes[edit | edit source]

Jerry Cheng is credited with working on the following aspects of the game:[1]

Mercenaries[edit | edit source]

  • Flexed in various areas of gameplay engineering, including combat mechanics, input controls, client-side prediction, visuals, data pipeline, and AI behaviors.
  • Architected the backbone infrastructure for the Mercenaries gameplay, which drastically differs from the regular Hearthstone mode.

Hearthstone[edit | edit source]

  • Implemented the "Dormant" keyword mechanics for the Ashes of Outland set.
  • Assisted with the final polish of Galakrond mechanics and VFX for the Descent of Dragons set.
  • Handcrafted all AI behaviors in the Tombs of Terror PvE mode for the Saviors of Uldum set.

Arena[edit | edit source]

  • Partnered with feature engineer to build a data-driven drop rate system for the Arena mode.
  • Assisted designers to leverage this new system to build bucket-based Arena draft.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Jerry Cheng artwork

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Jerry Cheng on LinkedIn. (2023-08-14).