Mawsworn art

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Mawsworn WoW.jpg

This page lists cards with card art depicting Mawsworn.

Lore[edit | edit source]

The Mawsworn are minions who serve Zovaal the Jailer in the Maw. They bring pain and punishment to the most wicked of souls. These soldiers are the very worst the damned have to offer: the result of the Jailer torturing mortal souls until only a mere shade of their former glory remains and they willingly serve their tormentor for eternity, all begin as empty suits of armor forged at Zovaal's Cauldron, and then are infused with a decrepit shade to be brought to "life".

The size of the Mawsworn army rivals that of the Burning Legion, and with the soul-river Gorgoa overflowing, their ranks continue to swell. The Mawsworn's weapons and armor were designed by the Runecarver against his will.

With the role of the Lich King having been ended by  Sylvanas Windrunner, the Mawsworn sent Herald Dalora to bring the message of the Jailer, and to embolden both the Scourge and the Cult of the Damned. To aid their offensive into Azeroth, Mawsworn Soulbearers raised fallen Scourge champions from the past in Icecrown. At the same time, a group of them captured  Thrall,  Baine Bloodhoof,  Jaina Proudmoore, and  Anduin Wrynn and took them to the Maw. The Mawsworn also attempted to capture  Tyrande Whisperwind, but she slew her attackers.

During the resurgence of the Scourge, the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade led the offensive against them, and enlisted the aid of Horde and Alliance champions. Seeking to strike a definite blow against the Mawsworn, Azeroth's heroes confronted and killed Herald Dalora.

Following the death of Zovaal at the Sepulcher of the First Ones, the Mawsworn remains active but leaderless, as Sylvanas confront them during her penance to free all souls of the Maw.

Mawsworn[edit | edit source]

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MAW 025.png
MAW 028.png
MAW 009.png
MAW 009t.png
MAW 004.png

Mawsworn art[edit | edit source]

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MAW 005t.png
MAW 027.png
MAW 003.png
MAW 003t.png
MAW 001.png
MAW 025a.png
MAW 010t.png
MAW 025b.png
MAW 010.png
MAW 018.png
MAW 021.png
MAW 026.png
MAW 015.png