Sylvanas Windrunner (Prologue boss)

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Sylvanas Windrunner is the third boss in the Death Knight Prologue mission.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Quick Fire

Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Ghoul Charge

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Silvermoon Arcanist
Conjured Arrow
Elfgate of Silvermoon
Inner Gate of Quel'Thalas
Windrunner's Bow
Silvermoon Sentinel
The Scourge
Stitched Giant

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Sylvanas Windrunner Arthas Menethil
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Silvermoon Sentinel 2 Boss The Scourge 1
Windrunner's Bow 1 Stitched Giant 1
Hunter Arcane Shot 2 Death Knight Body Bagger 2
Arcane Quiver 2 Battlefield Necromancer 1
Explosive Trap 2 Bonedigger Geist 2
Quick Shot 2 Plague Strike 2
Rapid Fire 2 Anti-Magic Shell 2
Silvermoon Farstrider 2 Chillfallen Baron 2
Snipe 2 Graveyard Shift 2
Deadly Shot 2 Meat Grinder 1
Conjured Arrow 2 Unholy Frenzy 2
Multi-Shot 2 Ymirjar Deathbringer 2
Piercing Shot 2 Grave Strength 2
Crushing Walls 1 Nerubian Swarmguard 2
Neutral Silvermoon Arcanist 2 Tomb Guardians 2
Sunfury Clergy 2 Army of the Dead 2
Neutral Infected Peasant 2

Notes[edit | edit source]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Arthas Menethil (present)
▶️Uther's men proved useful in swelling the ranks of my undead. We marched through the forests of Quel'Thalas, towards the great elf city of Silvermoon.
▶️I sought the Sunwell, a font of mystical energy and the source of the elves' immortal powers. There I would raise Kel'Thuzad as a lich.
▶️No army had ever broken through the gates of Silvermoon before, but no Death Knight like me had ever tried.


Arthas Menethil
▶️Ah, wondrous, eternal Quel'Thalas. I haven't been here since I was a boy.
Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️You are not welcome here, prince. I advise you to turn back now.

Emote Response

Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Silence, prince.


Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️The elves of Silvermoon stand against you!
▶️Quel'Thalas will never fall to your corruption!
▶️We will drive you back!

Turn 2

Arthas Menethil
▶️Unholy death has come to your land, ranger.
Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Do your worst. The elfgate is protected by our most powerful enchantments. You shall not pass.

Turn 4

Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Raise all the undead you wish, prince. No enemy will ever break through our gates!
Arthas Menethil
▶️These lands will fall soon enough...

Turn 7

Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Did you really believe this plan would work, Death Knight?
Arthas Menethil
▶️I've grown tired of these delays.

Elfgate of Silvermoon is destroyed

Arthas Menethil
▶️You cannot stand against the inevitable.
Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Curse you monsters! Our first gate has been destroyed, but you won't get through the second.
 Inner Gate of Quel'Thalas is spawned

Inner Gate of Quel'Thalas is destroyed

Arthas Menethil
▶️I salute your bravery, elf, but this battle is over.
Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Then I'll make my stand here, butcher.

Playing the cards

Sylvanas attacks with  Windrunner's Bow
Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Warriors of Silvermoon, defend the city! Show them the true strength of Quel'Thalas!
Two Silvermoon Sentinels are spawned
Arthas Menethil
▶️More defenses? This ranger is beginning to vex me greatly.
The Scourge
Arthas Menethil
▶️Rise my warriors! Now we make our final advance.


Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Finish it! I deserve...a clean death.
Arthas Menethil
▶️After all you've put me through, the last thing I'll give you is the peace of death.
Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️No! You wouldn't dare!
Arthas turns Sylvanas into banshee
Sylvanas Windrunner


Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️Your legacy is at its end.

Unused[edit | edit source]

Sylvanas Windrunner
▶️My arrows are useless! What is this foul trickery?
Arthas Menethil
▶️This is only the beginning, elf. Nothing will stop the Scourge.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
After the high elves withdrew from the Alliance, Sylvanas and her rangers were the primary guards against any would-be attackers on Silvermoon. Several years later,  Arthas Menethil, the betrayer of Lordaeron, arrived unexpectedly on the doorstep of Quel'Thalas with a horde of undead at his back. Kelmarin, one of Sylvanas' scouts, quickly informed her of the swarm of undeath fast approaching the first elfgate. Sylvanas organized her Farstriders, and went to observe the despoiler of Lordaeron herself.
She came face-to-face with Arthas and suggested that the death knight turn back. However, Arthas retorted that death itself had come to Quel'Thalas, and began his assault on the first elfgate. Despite the Farstriders' best efforts, Arthas was able to successfully crash through it with his necromantic allies, and hulking nerubians acting as sentient siege engines. Sylvanas and her surviving rangers fled back to the second gate, and Sylvanas came to the grim realization that she could not win this battle. However, she held out hope that the magisters at the Sunwell - if they knew what was approaching - could still turn the battle around. She had another ranger rush to inform them that Quel'Thalas may have been betrayed, and observed as the undead Scourge wrought a trail of dark, unholy destruction upon the land.
Arthas continued relentlessly towards the second gate, killing every elf who got in his way. The fallen prince soon learned that the second elfgate was only passable with the use of the Key of the Three Moons, assembled from the mooncrystals hidden within the forest. Sylvanas destroyed the bridge leading to the second gate in an attempt to halt the undead advance, though all her effort proved in vain as Arthas successfully collected all the mooncrystals for the gate and ordered his mind-devoid minions to create a huge bridge of bodies to supplement the destroyed passage.
Once Arthas had bested the gate, Sylvanas retreated to Fairbreeze Village, and had its citizens evacuated. With little more than her most stalwart rangers left by her side, Sylvanas resolved to make a final stand before Arthas could push his way into Silvermoon. Every runner she sent to Silvermoon was murdered, and Sylvanas coordinated an aerial dragonhawk attack to counter the invaders. However, this too proved mostly futile. Knowing that her own death approached, Sylvanas could think only of her sister, Alleria, and gazed upon a necklace gifted to her by her elder sibling. Sylvanas mused that they would likely be reunited soon.
As Sylvanas lay dying after being impaled by  Frostmourne, she told Arthas to finish her, saying she deserved a clean death. Having had to fight her every step of the way, Arthas responded by telling her the last thing he would give her was the peace of death. Moments after Sylvanas passed away into a comforting darkness, she felt agony unlike any she had ever known. Arthas ripped her soul back into the world and Sylvanas Windrunner became the first of the high elven banshees. Frostmourne fractured her soul, consuming a fragment of it and leaving that part frozen in time while the rest of her continued onward. As a banshee, she was able to give voice to her pain, and in so doing she would cause pain to others. Her body was flung onto a meatwagon, lost among the thousands more the Scourge had claimed, and would later be locked in an iron coffin as a further act of vengeance upon the ranger-general.


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