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rogue version[edit source]

The un-upgraded version of the Rogue version of Galakrond is not in the "related cards" section when all 14 other versions are 03:52, 9 February 2020 (UTC)

Thanks for the catch! It should be fixed now. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 04:50, 9 February 2020 (UTC)

Generated Invoke cards[edit source]

So, it seems that the latest patch made it so Invoke cards can be randomly generated. I've gotten a Scion of Ruin from a Dragonqueen Alexstrasza (with Invoke support), and the page now mentions getting Disciple off a Disciple. Can we confirm whether they can only be randomly generated if you have Galakrond? That was the original intention when AoO launched and it was bugged. If so, the Notes section needs to be slightly rewritten to accommodate for that. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 23:39, 25 May 2020 (UTC)

Ok, so here's the Twitter post: here. I was going to edit this into the article, but I don't know what "only if you're a Galakrond deck" means. Aegonostic (talk) 00:05, 26 May 2020 (UTC)
It basically means you can only generate Invoke cards if you have Galakrond in your deck. So a Priest running Galakrond can pull Scion of Ruin off Dragonqueen, while a Priest without Galakrond cannot. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 01:31, 26 May 2020 (UTC)
I wonder what happens if for instance you  Thoughtsteal the opponent's Galakrond, but you're not playing a Galakrond deck. Would Invoke cards be able to be randomly generated then, after this happens? Aegonostic (talk) 10:09, 26 May 2020 (UTC)
I would assume so? This probably has to be tested. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 15:34, 26 May 2020 (UTC)
Wait, I don't think Galakrond hero cards can ever be randomly generated, only the Invoke cards.
Also, I might test the above-mentioned interaction if I have time. Aegonostic (talk) 21:09, 26 May 2020 (UTC)

There still seems to be bugs with Invoke cards being able to be generated. I'm just going to list all the relevant information here because I have no idea what's going on.

Aegonostic (talk) 19:06, 19 June 2020 (UTC)

More info for later editing:
Aegonostic (talk) 20:10, 26 June 2020 (UTC)

class v neutral classification[edit source]

Cards which "invoke Galakrond" such as  Shield of Galakrond (the only one I currently own) can only be fully enjoyed by the five classes able to have the appopriate card in deck:

  1. wit for priest
  2. guile for rogue
  3. fury for shaman
  4. malice for warlock
  5. might for warrior

Though the three (mage/paladin/demon hunter) can add invoking cards to deck, there doesn't seem to be any warning about how they're underutilizing.

I pretty much overlooked the battlecry of the SOG and didn't understand until I came and read about it. I guess that amount of info can't exactly be fit onto one of those cards' main display but perhaps it would be a useful hover-over display? Tycio (talk) 19:33, 28 March 2021 (UTC)

Solitary invocation[edit source]

Also wondering since you can have two Pilfers via Rogues: is it possible for  Pilfer to produce the galakrond cards for the priest/shaman/warlock/warrior and then if you invoke Galakrond, 2 or 3 effects would take place every time?

Seems like Priests might be able to accomplish something similar via  Mind Vision or  Psychic Conjurer or  Thoughtsteal, but only when facing a rogue/shaman/warrior/warlock who has the appropriate Galakrond card.

Conjurer/Thoughtsteal target deck so that would limit you to max 1 other Galakrond effect, but since Mindvision targets the hand, if a priest were facing a rogue who had already used Pilfer to gain a shaman/warlock/warrior version of Galakrond then in theory the priest could gain access to a total of THREE other classes? So the max you could get is 4/5 presumably.

Or wait no... a priest could copy a Pilfer from a deck before it was used, which should allow them to get the full compliment.

Anyway I'm wondering if that's been tested early because if that does work (1 invoke = 5 hero powers used) this would be cool to list.

The explanation of "main Galakrond" appears to rule it out (first come first serve, no doubling up) but I'm curious if it was like that from the outset or if they had to add that later via a patch. Tycio (talk) 19:32, 28 March 2021 (UTC)