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Mill-related[edit source]

I've removed the implementation of the mill-related tag from the page. While the idea of using tags in this way is natural enough, it's not a good way of handling the subject. The reason is that mill-related is not an ability or fixed category, but rather a subjective opinion as to which cards would fit effectively into a deck with a particular overall strategy. This is something that will change substantially over time, as other cards and deck types shift the meta, and is also highly subjective, since a card may be considered a good mill card by some, but a terrible option by others. Perhaps more importantly, there are simply too many deck types and strategies to include all of them as tags. Adding a tag for every type of deck in which a card could be considered a valid choice, resulting in a huge number of tags on each card page, is not in my opinion a good idea for the wiki, and that is the direction in which this takes us.

Instead, I've simply listed on the page the cards which were tagged, and done so visually which makes them easier to inspect. This system also has the benefit of being far more easily adjusted than the previous one. Changes in the meta and the introduction of new cards can be far more easily managed on the one page, rather than needing to make minor edits to dozens of others as fashions come and go. -- Taohinton (talk) 00:17, 11 January 2015 (UTC)

Direct relation to milling[edit source]

Some of the cards listed are not directly related to milling. While, Antique Healbot and Tree of Life are useful in mill decks they are not actual mill cards. Same for Nozdormu and others. Maybe should only include cards that directly affect or are affected by cards in hand or in deck? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Beanchagbear (talkcontribs) 22:30, 2 April 2015‎

I guess the question is whether the section is listing mill cards, or mill deck cards. The list itself originally comes from pages tagged by another editor (see above section), and I believe represented cards commonly used in/effective in mill decks, rather than focusing on milling itself. I don't have a problem with focusing more on the core tactic. -- Taohinton (talk) 20:25, 9 April 2015 (UTC)
Nosdormu like Loatheb is actually a mill related card as it obstructs playing cards (more card burn).
Of the cards now listed I only feel like the Healbot and Gang up has no obvious mill synergy and could be removed. The reason for Healbot being in mill decks is simply because there is no mill-related healing cards and the bot is the most effective heal in the game atm. Gang Ups presence is a symptom of options for symetrical card draw being too sparse.
If someone has the time to divide the list into more specific categories I'm all for it. Sorting cards into "Core mill cards" and "Cards supporting the mill archetype" would be a start. --AndePand (talk) 12:57, 12 November 2015 (UTC)

Obstructive cards?[edit source]

I can just about see  Weasel Tunneler (although that really is anti-mill, so it seems very situational to me), but how does  Madam Goya prevent the opponent from playing cards, thus encouraging overdraw? -- Taohinton (talk) 18:38, 6 December 2016 (UTC)

Tunneler seems to have a couple rationales for not wanting to play him (since normally throwing a minion onto the field for 1 mana is appelaing) in that you don't want to buff your opponent's deck (only an issue if you have a counter-mill strategy? They will face the same prob) or maybe because you have a field full of 7 minions and don't want to kill one off to make room for Tunneler?
I guess even if there's room on the field for tunneler, the enemy might avoid attacking him so that he clutters your field. If he has a 0-attack taunter then he can even prevent Tunneler from suiciding via manual-clear. Less of a problem for a mage (she can just fireball her own tunneler) or for spells/minions which can target own minions.
When it comes to Goya, she seems like possibly like she puts you at risk of being milled (avoid playing her when there's no friendly minions in play you want off board) just like the Brewmasters... but unlike the Brewmasters she could help put high-cost minions from Deck into play for free, by taking a low-mana minion out of play who's easy to put into play later. I'm having similar difficulty understanding the offensive use of her though, unless it's to reuse battlecries like the Brewmasters without filling your hand.
Tried searching Goya+mill but all I found was which seems to establish the connection but not the details. Tycio (talk) 18:08, 28 February 2021 (UTC)

Tempo gain[edit source]

Could someone explain this concept with using  Astral Communion ? I understand how tempo and  Innervate help in avoiding losing cards via overdraw (let you play a full hand) but with  Astral Communion doesn't it sort of defeat the point if you're milling your hand to avoid milling your deck?

I guess that's useful if you know you have a great card that might get burned next turn (or you're a Warlock and want to burn life to draw something you could play) but if you have >2 cards then trading them to avoid losing 1 card seems bad...

I guess it's good in situations where you believe your opponent will force you to overdraw to a larger amount than your hand is? Tycio (talk) 18:08, 28 February 2021 (UTC)