Template:Akama strategy

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Akama is a powerful early-game Stealth minion, as his 4 health enables him to survive cheap board clears in the early game. His true potential lies with his Prime form,  Akama Prime, whose permanent Stealth prevents him from being targeted by the enemy at all, not even by Battlecry minion removal like  Flik Skyshiv. However, Akama Prime only has 5 health to balance out his powerful ability, and he is vulnerable to Secrets, AoE and randomly-targeted damage or destruction. Akama can also be stopped by Taunt minions, since he has no way to attack past them.

Rogue can fairly reliably draw Akama Prime using  Stowaway.

It is also possible to shuffle more Akama Primes into your deck using cards like  Togwaggle's Scheme and  Lab Recruiter, creating more permanent Stealth minions to control the board or wear your opponent down.

Do note that giving Taunt on Akama Prime is completely useless since his permanent Stealth effect negates Taunt.

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BT 713.png

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