Template:Ancient Brewmaster strategy

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Ancient Brewmaster has decent stats for its cost, but also offers a return effect Battlecry, returning a target friendly minion to the owner's hand. Note that the Battlecry must be used if possible, which can be inconvenient at times. However, the Battlecry effect cannot target the Brewmaster itself, so the Brewmaster can be safely played when no other friendly minions are on the field, effectively negating its Battlecry.

There are two main strategic uses for return effects. The first is when used in conjunction with a minion with a useful Battlecry, such as  Nightblade, to make use of the Battlecry more than once. Play the Battlecry minion, play Ancient Brewmaster, then play the Battlecry minion again.

The second is to return a minion to its original stats, and remove any enchantments. Ideally, use the minion to attack, allowing it to deal and take damage, then return it to your hand allowing you to play it again at full health.

Return effects are also useful when used in combination with a minion with Charge, effectively granting it Windfury for that turn, and removing any damage incurred from its first attack.

When combined with temporary mind control effects such as  Potion of Madness and  Shadow Madness, a return effect allows you to permanently steal an enemy minion that would otherwise return to the opponent at the end of your turn.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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