Template:Arch-Thief Rafaam strategy

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This card's power is in its generated Artifact cards which you would choose based on the situation:

  •  Lantern of Power is best as a finisher as it lets you deal 10 damage (17 if Rafaam is still alive) to your opponent if they don't have a Taunt. This is the riskiest Artifact to pick because if your opponent fully destroys your board after Rafaam is played it becomes useless. In addition, a surprise Silence could also easily negate this; not to mention mind control effects which could make you regret using it at all.
  •  Mirror of Doom is good if you are behind on the board compared to your enemy. This card forces them to respond in a big way to your board as the following turn they face 21 damage from your board (25 if Rafaam is still alive). This is less risky than the Lantern of Power, but its risk is how slow the play is as the Mummy Zombies don't become useful until the turn after Mirror of Doom is played. Be careful playing this against AoE removal, since the Mummies can be wiped out by options like  Flamestrike and  Hellfire, or either  Holy Nova or  Consecration with Spell Damage.
  •  Timepiece of Horror is good when you have a need for a quicker answer to deal with your enemies' board than the Mirror of Doom. Of the 3 Artifacts this is the safest to pick up as the card has almost no chance of becoming a dead card in hand but its effect (in terms of how much it affects the game) is also the weakest of the 3. This can be compared to  Mask of C'Thun, which deals the same damage for less mana.

Rafaam is at his best when you pick up the Artifact you think you will need next turn, based on the current state of the game and what you think the state will be next turn (assuming Rafaam was played on your turn 9). If you have  Naga Sea Witch on your board, you can play both Rafaam and the discovered artifact on turn 10. This reduces the risk that the chosen artifact becomes useless during your opponent's turn.

Artifacts can be quite useful if played with Atiesh equipped, due to their high cost. Note that this synergy is not possible if Mirror of Doom is played, as the board will be full.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

LOE 092.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.