Template:Archmage Khadgar strategy

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Archmage Khadgar, being the final boss of The Dalaran Heist is a grand challenge to surmount and will truly test the deck you've been building up to this point.

The Kirin Tor Elementals' ability to recast spells will become overbearing if you allow it, prioritize killing them above all else, specially considering he has the means to make duplicates of them using  Molten Reflection and  Echo of Medivh, which will cast again creating even more Kirin Tor Elementals, quickly spiraling out of control. Thankfully, these minions have rather small stats and Khadgar doesn't have ways to buff them outside of the  Bananas created by  Banana Buffoon, giving you the opportunity to destroy them with waveclear, single-target spells or trade with them using your own minions before they become an issue.

If there are larger issues to deal with, such as  Malygos, change priorities but try and destroy as many Kirin Tor Elementals as you can.

A stupid, albeit possible strategy is to use  Millhouse Manastorm if you were risky enough to pick him up. While all of his dangerous spells will be casted twice for free, his card draw spells like  Research Project will almost always be used without caution, putting into Fatigue a lot quicker.  EVIL Propaganda can also win you the game, because you can take all of his elementals.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

DALA BOSS 60h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.