Template:Aviana strategy

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Aviana's extremely low stats is made up by her potentially massive cost reduction effect. If left standing, the player can dump out many big minions in a single turn. However, her low Health and high upfront cost makes this situation uncommon. This can be avoided with  Emperor Thaurissan, which causes all cost-reduced minions to be played for 0 mana. If played as a control value card, keep her protected behind a Taunt minion if possible.

Aviana is best combined with  Kun the Forgotten King, who can restore all the mana spent playing Aviana and allows you to follow it up with other minions on the same turn. Aviana and Kun are essential cards in combo-based decks for this reason, allowing many different kinds of combos to be performed, such as summoning multiple copies of  Malygos with  Faceless Manipulator and  Ixlid, Fungal Lord and deal direct spell damage with  Moonfire and  Living Roots, easy one-turn  Star Aligner setups for massive AoE damage, or guaranteed permanent deck swapping with  King Togwaggle and  Azalina Soulthief. Since Aviana costs 10 Mana, this combo will require  Innervate or other cost-reduction effects.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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