Template:Bloodsail Corsair strategy

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Play Bloodsail Corsair at the beginning of your turn to weaken your opponent's offense and gain significant advantage. This card can mean the difference between mitigating or suffering extra damage during your opponent's turn. This effect is extremely useful against Warriors, especially if  Gorehowl is their weapon of choice.

Because it is a Pirate and a 1-cost card similar to  Southsea Deckhand, it can be used to summon  Patches the Pirate from your deck, giving the player a strong turn-1 play. This combo is best played in decks that have low-cost minions such as token decks or zoo decks. Bloodsail Corsair is also a neutral pirate which does not synergize with weapons, unlike other cheap pirates such as  Small-Time Buccaneer. This makes Bloodsail Corsair optimal for non-weapon classes to summon  Patches the Pirate.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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