Template:Colossus of the Sun strategy

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Hero power of this boss is easy enough to deal with. Trade the damaged minions or leave boss' minions at 1-2 HP (depending on the difficulty) and keep a healthy ones, especially if they are useful. The best tool for saving the minions in this encounter is  First Aid Kit and less  Finley's Pith Helmet.

Normal deck has only two weak AoE ( Whirlwind) that sometimes combined with  Plague of Wrath. Most of minions are slightly synergize like Rage Warrior and they are not difficult to eliminate if the player's deck is faster and stronger than this one. Do not leave the enemy minions alive for long, especially  Ragnaros, Lightlord,  Tomb Warden and  Colossus of the Moon, otherwise the boss will fully heal them with  Neferset Ritualist, which may cause a difficulty.

In Heroic mode Colossus of the Sun gets a lot more AoE so it becomes almost impossible to play around his hero power with First Aid Kit. Band of Bees, Rocket Backpacks, and  Scepter of Summoning passives will give much more value on this difficulty. Do not forget the boss can easily fill his board with huge minions by using  Woecleaver so keep any powerful AoE or removals for them, i.e,  Brawl,  Plague of Death,  Runaway Gyrocopter,  Staff of Scales,  Addarah and  Scales of Justice.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

ULDA BOSS 22h.png

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