Template:Crossroads Watch Post strategy

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Crossroads Watch Post on its own is expensive and needs an already developed board to take massively take advantage of its effect. One of the main advantages is that it counters decks that solely relies on spells for example Quest Mage or Quest Hunter.

It can also disrupt Control decks as cards that should remove the minion such as  Drain Soul on a 3 health minion will not kill them on its own as Crossroads Watch Post effects triggers first and then the spell. If the board is not answered by the opponent, it can result in the end of the game especially when all minions are buffed over the course of the game.

Combine it with  Ogremancer,  Stonesplinter Trogg,  Burly Rockjaw Trogg, and  Troggzor the Earthinator and it may devestate spell-based decks altogether as they gain more stats then they cast spells.

However it is very suspectible to  Mass Dispel or  Shard of the Naaru as it nullifies all the effects the Watchpost provides entirely or full board removal like  Twisting Nether,  Psychic Scream,  Brawl, or  Plague of Death

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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