Template:Darkscale Healer strategy

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Darkscale Healer is a great support card, as well as a decent addition to your minions on the board. Play this card while your minions are damaged to heal them back up! Darkscale Healer is a direct counter to cards such as Stomp,  Arcane Explosion,  Consecration, and  Starfall. If your opponent uses one of these cards to damage your minions, play a Darkscale Healer to negate the damage. Darkscale Healer also functions as a great minion for offensive and defensive purposes. With 4 attack and 5 life, with the right buff Darkscale Healer can become a great taunt minion with good damage.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

DS1 055.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.