Template:Deathwing, Mad Aspect strategy

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Deathwing, Mad Aspect is a powerful minion with enough stats to clean out the entire board of mid to low-stat minions. While he can take out most minions due to his very high Attack, dealing with multiple higher level threats will often leave him critically injured or dead before he finishes. However, since his method of clearing the board involves attacking, Divine Shield and Reborn minions are protected from his attacks, high-attack minions will ensure he does not survive the next turn, and a Poisonous minion can bring his rampage to a premature end. Keep in mind that Deathwing, Mad Aspect will also attack allies as well, so unless you're prepared for Deathwing to kill your entire board (or if you have no board presence), be very cautious when playing him.  Commanding Shout may also be used to keep Deathwing, Mad Aspect and your board of minions alive, although they can easily be removed by Mage's  Fireblast or Rogue's  Fan of Knives.

You can use other cards to cheat out Deathwing and take advantage of his 12/12 stats like  The Boom Reaver or  Woecleaver, but it's just as effective as cheating out Deathwing's other counterparts since they have the same statline, with the latter having a powerful Deathrattle, however Mad Aspect’s powerful battlecry should still be considered, as it makes it a less painful draw, especially in less dragon centered decks.

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