Template:Elise Starseeker strategy

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Elise Starseeker is a minion with decent stats for a 4-cost card, and features a highly unique and powerful effect. By playing the  Map to the Golden Monkey and the  Golden Monkey in turn, all of your hand and deck's remaining cards are converted into legendary minions. Due to their high average of quality and special effects, this can provide a huge stream of threats that overwhelm the opponent, making it a great win condition.

Elise fits in a control-oriented deck, which already have the removal and healing spells needed to stall the game. This makes playing the Map and the Golden Monkey inevitable come late-game. Elise herself is a solid minion in the mid-game, and can help with board control against more aggressive opponents.

Elise can also be good in decks that can cycle through their deck quickly, such as mill decks. The Rogue spell  Gang Up can be helpful, since Elise herself doesn't have too bad stats, and added maps means more possibility of Golden Monkeys. The Map to the Golden Monkey can also be used as a combo spell if you don't have anything else, and three Golden Monkeys make the all-legendary ability far more likely to trigger. She also delays Fatigue by one turn by adding two cards to the deck, one of which has a card draw effect.

Be wary of Priest opponents, who can  Thoughtsteal,  Drakonid Operative,  Convert or  Holy Water the Golden Monkey and use it for themselves.

If playing a  Reno Jackson deck, be wary also of triggering Elise's Battlecry more than once (through  Brann Bronzebeard, copy effects, or return to hand effects). It will add multiple maps to the deck, disabling Reno's heal condition until all of the maps but one are drawn.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

LOE 079.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.