Template:Expired Merchant strategy

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Expired Merchant is a delayed value generator, comparable to  Loot Hoarder, but creating an extra copy of one of your cards instead of card draw. An extra copy of high-power cards  Twisting Nether,  Siphon Soul, or  Lord Godfrey can prove useful is more suitable for control decks for that reason. Another great cards to discard are cards that trigger their discard effects like  Silverware Golem,  Fist of Jaraxxus, and  Hand of Gul'dan - not only do they proc their effects essentially for free, but you also generate two more copies to discard later.

Expired Merchant does, however, pose a potential risk against opponents with access to silence, transformation, or any sort of effect that removes it from board without destroying it like  Sap and  Psychic Scream - especially if you discarded your win condition, such as  Bloodreaver Gul'dan, for extra value. In this case, it may be better to kill the Expired Merchant quickly with something like  Mortal Coil, Plague of Flame, Dark skies, or even  Defile to guarantee its deathrattle goes off.

Because the discard effect is targeted, you can use this to discard certain discard synergy cards for your advantage while creating value off of them. For example, you can discard  Soulwarden to let it continuously generate itself,  High Priestess Jeklik to create four copies of her, or  Cruel Dinomancer so that it always resummons itself.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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