Template:Flikk strategy

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With one foe down, our heroes advance. But this is no time to relax. A Rusted Imp might prove no threat- but be warned. It's the onset. (-of certain DEATH!)

Don't be distracted by Flikk. Your real enemy here is the Rusted Fel Reaver that comes in the enemy's turn 4. You should really use these 4 turns to build the strongest board possible, as it's senseless to try and rush Flikk down. Only make defensive trades on the board to defend your minions.

Once the Rusted Fel Reaver arrives, you know the drill: maintain board control, get optimal trades, destroy the boss. Pay extra attention to the Fel Reavers empowered by the  Hulking Monstrosity. Destroy them as soon as they are summoned, but keep in mind that you can also abuse them to mill out the boss' deck for each card you play in their presence.

Dialogue[edit source]


Flikk, full art

Before match

Illidan Stormrage
What is this tiny, worthless foe? Destroy it! End this weak sideshow.


Aranna, Unleashed
This is the last line of defense before Jaraxxus? Trivial...
Hey! Who ya callin' trivial?!

Emote Response

Hey! Who ya callin' trivial?!

Turn 2 - <Distant Fel Reaver Horn>

Hey - you guys hear somethin'?

Enemy's turn 4 - Flikk is replaced by Rusted Fel Reaver

Sklibb, Demon Hunter
<Sporelok "that is not good" sounds>
Aranna, Unleashed
That... is much worse.

Rusted Fel Reaver

Rusted Fel Reaver, full art

Emote Response

Rusted Fel Reaver
<Angry Mechanical Noises>

Play  Karnuk, Demon Hunter

Karnuk, Demon Hunter
It's funny how those things can sneak up on you.


Aranna, Unleashed
That... was a big robot.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BTA BOSS 14h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.