Template:Foe Reaper 4000 strategy

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It can be used to hit minions hiding behind Taunts, under Stealth or ones not desirable to attack directly, either because of high Attack, or because of additional abilities such as  Water Elemental's Freeze ability.

Being a Mech it has synergy with cards such as  Cogmaster and  Tinkertown Technician. Players can reduce its cost to 7 Mana with  Mechwarper, and Warriors can use Charge on the Foe Reaper on the same turn to allow it to attack immediately.

Since the Foe Reaper's main strength lies in attacking other minions, the opponent may try to neutralize it before it is able to attack.

The Foe Reaper's special ability makes it an excellent target for Attack-increasing effects. The benefits will be multiplied, with the extra damage inflicted to potentially 3 minions each attack. It is similarly a good target for Windfury. The Foe Reaper's high Health also makes it a good target for healing and Health-increasing effects, allowing it to survive longer.

Great for decks that go into late game and can maintain field advantage as the opponent will be low on cards and this minion can take out 2-3 other minions. A good Arena pick. As most classes will focus on getting minions over spells, in most situations this minion can survive a turn on an empty field. At first glance its stats do not appear to be worth it but its ability means in terms of minion combat, it can be considered an 18/9 (if it attacks other minions, not the opposing hero) for 8 mana.

 Magnataur Alpha is the Foe Reaper's cheaper and more aggressive cousin.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.