Template:Guardian Augmerchant strategy

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An incredibly flexible minion that can be used for a ping, protecting a valuable minion, or favourable trading.

As one damage, Guardian Augmerchant is perfect for reclaiming the board in a tempo match up against a 1 health minion, such as  Shadowhoof Slayer or  Shimmerfly. Used this way, it's effectively an  Elven Archer with one addition attack or a  Blowgill Sniper at half the cost. It can also be used later to finish off weakened enemies. Do not use this card to remove Divine Shields however - it will simply reapply the Shield after removing it.

Like all Divine Shield-granting cards, the Divine Shield is best used proactively on a minion about to trade, letting it survive and giving you an additional 2/1. It can also be cast on a Taunt for extra safety, or any minion you want to make harder to kill. While the trade of one health for a shield that can be broken by 1 damage sounds bad, keep in mind the shield may force your opponent to waste their hero power or another damage source into a minion they could've otherwise cleanly killed.

Guardian Augmerchant can also combine both of its effects for even greater value. Enrage minions can be quickly triggered by this card, and given a Divine Shield to protect them. On-damage trigger effects like  Bomb Wrangler and  Acolyte of Pain can also be triggered, although the Divine Shield will absorb and negate a potential use of their effect. Warriors can use this card in conjunction with  Execute to destroy any minion for 3 mana, since Execute will ignore the Divine Shield it grants.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BT 722.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.