Template:Impbalming strategy

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A very strong direct removal for Warlocks. Impbalming can be used to cheaply remove large minions like  Mountain Giant or  Blastmaster Boom without much of a downside immediately. Be aware that Worthless Imps are almost entirely dead cards, giving three bad draws somewhere in your deck in the future.

The Worthless Imps can however be made use of. In a fatigue situation, they will delay damage by three turns. They also synergize well with  Arch-Villain Rafaam, transforming them into random Legendaries, and can provide more cards to draw to complete  Supreme Archaeology. They can also be used normally for demon synergies like  Impferno,  Jumbo Imp, and  Crystalweaver.

Impbalming is similar to  Blastcrystal Potion, but can be more securely played in the early game and is much worse once you've reached 10 mana.

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