Template:Ixlid, Fungal Lord strategy

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There are two main ways to utilize Ixlid: either with cheap big minions like Arcane Giants, or as part of a OTK combo.

For the first, Ixlid can be put into a Miracle Druid deck that runs cards like  Gadgetzan Auctioneer,  Innervate,  Arcane Giant, and  Arcane Tyrant, as well as other obviously strong Druid cards to ramp mana, remove enemy minions, etc. You play Ixlid, then you play an Arcane Giant for 0 and get another Arcane Giant, and you still have 5 more mana on your turn after summoning 18/20 worth of stats off 2 cards. Plus the Ixlid threatens even more broken stuff the next turn.

For the second type of combo, we can look to  Twig of the World Tree (brought down to 1 durability from a few turns of attacks), Ixlid,  Faceless Manipulator (on the Ixlid to get 2 more Ixlids), and  Malygos (after breaking the Twig to refresh your 10 mana crystals). This should give you 4 Malygos for +20 spell damage so that your 2 Moonfires can deal a total of 42 damage to your opponent's face.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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