Template:Kronx Dragonhoof strategy

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Kronx Dragonhoof is an obvious inclusion for any deck making use of Galakrond. If you have Invoked Galakrond enough, you can use Kronx to fetch him, then play Galakrond on curve to get an edge in value. Alternatively, holding onto Kronx until after you play Galakrond allows you to easily retake board control and compensate for any tempo loss from playing Galakrond.

Combining Kronx with an effect that allows you to reuse his Battlecry, like  Youthful Brewmaster or  Barista Lynchen, lets you make use of both his effects. Rogues in particular can combo Kronx with  Togwaggle's Scheme for a very large supply of Devastations on future turns, and  Galakrond, the Nightmare can then potentially draw several cost-reduced copies of him for a huge swing.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

DRG 099.png

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