Template:Lord Jaraxxus strategy

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As a hero card, Jaraxxus is a generally good late-game value card to slot into a slow Warlock deck. As he no longer sets the player's health to 15, it can be considered a good inclusion in any deck that wants to stretch the game as far as possible, in order to gain a large amount of value from the hero power.

Although, Jaraxxus' mana cost of 9 is a big restriction. Not only does the player have to reach 9 mana, but the game state also has to be in a comfortable enough status for the Warlock, so that they can spend 9 mana to effectively only gain 5 armor and deal 3 damage to something. The longer the player needs to stabilize before they have time to play Jaraxxus, the less value he brings.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.