Template:Lucentbark strategy

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While an okay minion on its own, Lucentbark works incredibly well with healing effects, turning what is normally a slow play into tempo by summoning a 4/8 with Taunt for free. Some good sources of healing for Druid are  Crystal Power,  Earthen Ring Farseer, and  Ancient of Lore.

If you're not running consistent healing effects, you're better off playing  Ironbark Protector, which has +4 Attack over Lucentbark, or  Primordial Drake (in Wild), which has a useful Battlecry.

Lucentbark is even more potent if he can be copied, as they will all be revived once the healing threshold is met.  Faceless Manipulator,  Gloop Sprayer, and  Flobbidinous Floop are good additions to decks that run Lucentbark.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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