Template:Lynessa Sunsorrow notes

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  • Lynessa’s Battlecry is limited to 30 cards and casts the buffs in a random order.[1][2]
  •  Adaptation spells cast on Lynessa chooses a random adaptation instead of the original adaptation.[3]
  • The spells cast on her do not count towards the Paladin Quest,  The Last Kaleidosaur.[4]
  • Spells that were copied with  Djinni of Zephyrs will not be cast on Lynessa.
  • Spells that place a Deathrattle enchantment on Lynessa such as  Spikeridged Steed will not trigger if she is played while  Spiritsinger Umbra is in play.[3]
  • Lynessa can kill herself with  Sacrificial Pact, despite being an illegal target for the spell. This may be intended.[5]
  • Lynessa will cast Dire Frenzy on herself, despite being an illegal target for the spell.
  • Lynessa will summon additional minions with  Silvermoon Portal.

Interactions[edit source]

Lynessa will cast every spell in a random order, to a maximum of 30 spells.

Neutral Spells like  Lantern of Power or  Nightmare are applied normally.

Below is a small list of how different spells interact with Lynessa:

  • Normal effect - Spells that will be cast normally, without involving or ignoring special conditions

Examples:  Blessing of Wisdom,  Blessing of Might,  Divine Strength,  Sand Breath,  Lightforged Blessing,  Dark Conviction, Flash of Light, and  Hand of A'dal.

  • Special effects - Spells that have unique effects when used by her Battlecry, or are not normally able to be casted


 Adaptation: Lynessa will adapt randomly. She can cast the same option twice.

 Shield of Honor: She gains both of the buffs without being Damaged.

 Sound the Bells!: The first bell and the Echo bells will be re-cast.

 Libram of Wisdom: All casts will be considered unique spells for her Battlecry, in other words, she will retain every single one of the Librams that were used, along with the Deathrattle.

 Rampage: Works the same way as Shield of Honor

 Bestial Wrath: Gives her Immunity, despite not being able to use it under normal situations

 Dire Frenzy: The spell will be applied despite Lynessa not being a Beast

 Explorer's Hat: Works the same way as  Libram of Wisdom

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