Template:Mirror Entity strategy

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This card is best played in the late game, as it has a higher chance to copy a strong minion then. It is also useful for countermanding an opponent with an empty board who may attempt to play in a large minion to regain board presence. In fact, a good strategy to coerce your opponent into giving you a free minion is to flood your side of the battlefield with smaller minions or a large one of you own, as this will likely prompt them to play something costly in order to defend themselves.

When playing against a Mage, this secret can be baited by playing a weak minion before playing any larger ones. If this secret does not trigger, you are safe to play larger minions; if the secret does trigger, it will only copy the weak minion, and you will then be free to play larger ones. Playing a weak minion also may allow you to attack with them, possibly dealing with  Vaporize, another popular Mage secret. The effect of Mirror Entity can also be mitigated somewhat by playing an understatted minion with a powerful non-buffing Battlecry: the Battlecry will only activate for the original minion, and not for the copy. Bear in mind though that if the Battlecry buffs the summoned minion, Mirror Entity will copy the buff along with the minion, making cards like  Twilight Drake most often a bad choice.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

EX1 294.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.