Template:Necrium Blade strategy

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Necrium Blade is a decently statted weapon with a Deathrattle effect that creates additional use of a minion's Deathrattle effect without requiring killing it first. Its power comes in being able to "store" its effect by waiting for the right moment to break the weapon to activate its effect for no additional mana investment on that turn, letting you play strong Deathrattle minions like  Mechanical Whelp on curve.

Paired with  Kobold Illusionist and  Malygos, Necrium Blade can serve to be part of an OTK, triggering the deathrattle of the illusionist to summon an extra copy of Malygos.

Lore[edit source]

Poisons? Oh, darling, I’m well beyond poisons now. I’ve transcended poison. I’ve found something ever so much more interesting: Necrium!
::F7HL-LUM1 query::
It’s a new element! I must conduct more experiments to divine its true nature, but I suspect that it is an elementary particle of death itself. It’s surprisingly versatile—I can already see so many applications: weapons, poisons, more weapons, toothpaste, artificial flavorings, undergarments, dietary supplements, clocks with alarms that go off only when your “time is up”. The possibilities are endless.
::F7HL-LUM1 disturbed query::
THERE’S NO PROBLEM! Well, there is a small problem. It’s unstable. Terribly, terribly unstable. At the best of times it’s a tricky element that can warp the mind. Hands-on research is the most efficient, but when exposed to the raw element, my assistants age through their entire lives in the blink of an eye—and they aren’t even courteous enough to get up again after they expire. It’s exasperating! Working alone has been slowing my research tremendously.[1]

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BOT 286.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.

  1. Daxxarri (2018-07-23). The Boomsday Project: Lab Logs Part 2. Retrieved on 2018-07-23.