Template:Princess Talanji strategy

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Princess Talanji is a massive late game card that allows a Priest fill the board in a single turn. The biggest advantage to playing this card is that it has the potential of circumventing mana pool limitations to present an extremely strong board for 8 mana. This is excellent for End-Turn effect minions or Deathrattles, but will prevent battlecry minions from activating their abilities. Another minor caveat to playing Talanji is that these cards must not have started within the Priest's deck. However, Priests have several ways to generate these resources:

Battlecries or minions that generate other minions such as those from  Griftah and  Ysera apply. Spells and minions that can Copy minions will help generate minions for Talanji's pool. Cards such as  Seance,  Cloning Device and  Thoughtsteal in particular are good for this. Lastly, cards reshuffled into the deck from  Spirit of the Dead's effect count for Talanji's minion pool.

Talanji is best played after your opponent has expended most if not all of their board-clearing spells or battlecries such as Brawl, or Deathwing, and is best played in conjunction with large and powerful minions such as  Ysera or  Big Bad Archmage. This will ensure a very sticky board with minions too big for most board clears, and too numerous for removal.

A Spirit of the Dead and a  Bwonsamdi, the Dead will further enhance a deck that Talanji is in. If a Spirit of the Dead is on the board it ensures that the other cards and Talanji herself can be reshuffled into the deck, and then subsequently re-pulled by Bwonsamdi and replayed for one mana.

In Wild, this card synergizes relatively well with  Awaken the Makers as playing deathrattles such as  Crystalline Oracle,  Shallow Gravedigger, Weaponized Pinata, and  Bone Drake which not only generate value, but also help in fulfilling the quest's conditions. Do take note however, that  Amara, Warden of Hope will be pulled if Talanji is played. A Seance can help alleviate this problem.  Stonehill Defender and  Archbishop Benedictus are also great for maximizing Talanji's Battlecry.

She has strong synergy with  Galakrond, the Unspeakable, summoning every minion you've generated via the Invoke effect, making pulling off a big Battlecry with her easier to pull off.

Talanji is particularly powerful if she is gotten from  Arch-Villain Rafaam or the  Golden Monkey, filling your board with legendaries.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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