Template:Rolling Fireball notes

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  • If there are minions adjacent to the targeted one in both directions, Rolling Fireball chooses one of them randomly, then continues towards the end of the side. If there are is only one direction available, Rolling Fireball uses that one. For example, if your opponent has two or more minions and you target the left-most minion, Rolling Fireball is guaranteed to roll to the right, and vice versa.
    • When a direction is chosen, Rolling Fireball will only move in that direction until it reaches the end of the side or an invalid target.
  • The interaction of Rolling Fireball with a Divine Shield minion is similar to  Explosive Runes:
    • If the remaining damage in the Rolling Fireball is greater than the minion's health, the Divine Shield will pop and absorb damage equal to the minion's health, and the Rolling Fireball will continue to its neighbor;
    • If the remaining damage in the Rolling Fireball is not greater than the minion's health, the Divine Shield will pop and absorb damage equal to the minion's health, and the Rolling Fireball will stop.
  • Despite the animation, Rolling Fireball chooses the entire set of minions it will affect at the time it's cast, ignoring (rolling past) minions summoned by the Deathrattles of the minions it destroys.[1]

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DRG 321.png

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