Template:Runic Egg strategy

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Runic Egg, for a 1-mana card, is near useless when played on its own, as the opponent will simply ignore it. However, granting it Taunt or +Attack through cards such as  Abusive Sergeant or  Defender of Argus can allow it to be used to trade with enemy minions, triggering its Deathrattle. It also works well with  Power Overwhelming and  Battle Rage (providing extra card draw through cards like  Whirlwind and  Ravaging Ghoul), and at times can serve as a deterrent to AoE board clears. However, its dependency on such effects and lack of stats and abilities mean Runic Egg is generally considered a very poor card.

This card has more use in a Grimy Goons-themed hand-buffing deck, particularly with Paladins. Combined with cards like  Smuggler's Run and  Grimestreet Outfitter, it turns into a sturdy one-drop with card draw, and as a 1-Mana minion, it can be drawn from  Small-Time Recruits.

This card can be used with  Spiritsinger Umbra, and maybe even  Baron Rivendare or  Necromechanic. An alternate use is with cards that tinker with your Deathrattle minions, such as  Reckless Experimenter,  Anka, the Buried, and  Shadowy Figure. Cheaper, one-time activators are another way to implement this - use things like  Necrium Blade,  Nine Lives, or  Necrium Vial,

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.