Template:Silence (card) strategy

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The Silence effect is a powerful effect that can render your opponent's minions useless. Silence will cancel the target's abilities such as Taunt and all effects that have been cast upon it. Silencing a minion that has a Battlecry will not remove its effect from the field, but silencing a minion who has received a battlecry will remove the buff. Silence helps players control another player's minion from getting out of control either through its effect or through buffs applied to it. A simple silence can effectively shut down all buffs given to the minion or effects that the minion had.

Silence can also be used on your own minions if they are negative, such as  Venture Co. Mercenary.

Silence will not cancel passive buffs provided by another minion's ongoing effect, such as  Raid Leader's Attack bonus, however silencing the generating minion will remove the effect from all affected minions.

For more information, see Silence.

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