Template:Sir Finley Mrrgglton strategy

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The key factor for strategy with this card is RNG. With a 3/9 (33.3%) chance of getting any particular Hero Power, it is hard to rely on obtaining the Power you want. However, if several possibilities provide useful synergy with your deck - or the needs of the moment - it can be a reasonable play.

Can be used early game in a Shaman deck to get a more consistent hero power.

Can work with Rogue and Druid in the late game, if their Hero Powers are not required for deck synergy.

Can be used to try to save yourself from lethal, with the Druid, Warrior and Priest Hero Powers granting Health/Armor, and the possibility of getting a  Stoneclaw Totem from the Shaman Hero Power. Can provide 1/2 extra damage for lethal, through the Druid, Mage, Hunter and Rogue Hero Powers.

Cards like  Poisoned Blade,  Coldarra Drake, or  Prophet Velen may benefit from a different Hero Power.

Consider adding  Justicar Trueheart for late game or control decks, but remember not to play Sir Finley after playing Justicar, because that will reset your improved Hero Power to a basic one.

Very useful for control or mill-based Warlock decks, as  Life Tap is the only Hero Power that can ever become completely worthless (once your deck is depleted it does nothing except cause you to take even more damage).

Can be very useful in Murloc-based Paladin decks as  Reinforce can block the minions summoned by  Murloc Knight (the main reason to play a Murloc-Paladin deck) due to the 7 minion limit. Also this minion offers synergy with Murloc decks in general with his solid 1 cost and reasonably tough stats for a Murloc of its cost.

Probability analysis

Players can evaluate the likely usefulness of Sir Finley based on how many Hero Powers would accomplish certain goals.

The following chances listed assume the player has a Basic Hero Power but does not already have one of the Basic Hero Powers they are looking for; if they do the chances of finding a certain Hero Power would decrease since that Hero Power would have no chance of being offered by Sir Finley:

  • Five Hero Powers (95.2%): Deal 1 damage to attackable opponent (Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Rogue, Hunter)
  • Four Hero Powers (88.1%): Deal 1 damage to minion (Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Rogue)
  • Three Hero Powers (76.2%): "Heal" self by 1 (Druid, Warrior, Priest)*
  • Two Hero Powers (58.3%): Deal 1 damage to opponent past Taunt (Mage, Hunter), "heal" self by 2 (Warrior, Priest)*, summon a minion (Paladin, Shaman)
  • One Hero Power (33.3%): Heal 1 health to a minion by end of turn (Priest)*, any single Hero Power

The following chances listed assume the player has a Hero Power completely different from a Basic Hero Power:

  • Five Hero Powers (91.7%): Deal 1 damage to attackable opponent (Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Rogue, Hunter)
  • Four Hero Powers (83.3%): Deal 1 damage to minion (Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Rogue)
  • Three Hero Powers (70.8%): "Heal" self by 1 (Druid, Warrior, Priest)*
  • Two Hero Powers (53.3%): Deal 1 damage to opponent past Taunt (Mage, Hunter), "heal" self by 2 (Warrior, Priest)*, summon a minion (Paladin, Shaman)
  • One Hero Power (30%): Heal 1 health to a minion by end of turn (Priest)*, any single Hero Power

NB: The following probabilities are outdated.

In addition, scenarios marked with * have a slightly increased chance of success if a player is willing or desperate enough to risk the 25% chance of a Discovered  Totemic Call producing the correct totem in the case an ideal Hero Power is not Discovered.  Stoneclaw Totem can act as an effective "self-heal" of two or more by blocking minion attack damage, and  Healing Totem will heal minion damage at the end of the turn. This would slightly supplement the listed chances of completing an objective based on one, two, or three "ideal" powers by 6.7%, 4.5%, and 2.7% respectively. For instance, a player at 1 health facing a 1/3 minion would have an 82.1% chance of Discovering one of the three direct defensive powers, and an additional 10.7% chance of Discovering Totemic Call, but with only 1/4 chances of that Totemic Call dropping  Stoneclaw Totem for an overall boost of 2.7% (84.8% total). This logic only works if the player does not already have a Shaman power, since otherwise Totemic Call would have no chance of being offered.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.