Template:Sludge Slurper strategy

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Sludge Slurper has greater stats than  EVIL Cable Rat at a lower cost, but its drawback is Overload. When played on turn 1, the generated Lackey can be played on turn 2, as the Shaman will have only 1 Mana to work with on that turn. This works best with  Faceless Lackey,  Ethereal Lackey, and  Draconic Lackey. If the opponent played a minion with 2 Health,  Kobold Lackey can allow for a major board swing. If the Sludge Slurper survived,  Titanic Lackey is also a good play.  Witchy Lackey can be used, but is better saved for a larger minion.

Since Sludge Slurper is both a Murloc and a Battlecry (that generates other Battlecries), it fits perfectly in Murloc Shaman and Battlecry Shaman.

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