Template:Swampqueen Hagatha strategy

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Swampqueen Hagatha trades a low-tempo minion for a very value-efficient minion to use later. The Drustvar Horror can find spells way above its cost like  Bloodlust,  Rain of Toads, or  The Storm Bringer or help fish for spells like  Lava Burst or  Hex to gain lethal or save yourself. It is generally well worth the cost and can find its place in control decks or midrange decks as a potential finisher.

The Drustvar Horror's Battlecry also works with  Shudderwock, further empowering its Battlecry. Selecting non-targeting spells is advisable and avoid transformation or ally-damaging cards if you plan on using both.

Swampqueen Hagatha is extremely powerful when combined with  Heart of Vir'naal or  Brann Bronzebeard, allowing for creating two Drustvar Horrors and allowing them to cast twice as many spells. Note that picking a spell with Overload will cause it to be applied twice.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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