Template:The Beast strategy

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The Beast is an aggressive late game minion that comes with an unfortunate Deathrattle. The Beast synergizes better in hunter decks that focus on the use of Beasts. Being a mostly offensive creature, it is best to protect it with creatures that use Taunt or grant it Charge soon after summoning. This is especially true when considering upon death, it grants your opponent a 3/3  Pip Quickwit. Silencing The Beast to prevent your opponent from profiting from its Deathrattle is also a valid strategy.

Without negating its Deathrattle, this card can be considered to be poorer than  Boulderfist Ogre. The Ogre has the same Health as The Beast but will not give your enemy a 3/3.

Pip Quickwit

If you have  Pip Quickwit in play, you probably have little need of this section - you're already a strategic mastermind for defeating your opponent's The Beast!

Normally after dealing with The Beast, unless you used a spell to destroy it, you will probably not have many minions on the field. Giving Pip a buff, such as  Mark of the Wild or  Blessing of Kings is a good way to get back into the game. Alternatively, you can use a Taunt effect such as  Shieldbearer's to protect yourself.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.