Template:The Caverns Below strategy

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An effective way to complete The Caverns Below is to use return to hand effects such as  Youthful Brewmaster,  Shadowstep,  Cheat Death,  Vanish as well as cards that create copies of other cards, such as  Mimic Pod,  Sonya Shadowdancer and  Zola the Gorgon. For a list of all cards with return and copy effects, see return to hand and copy.

You can also complete this quest using the  Flame Elemental tokens generated by  Igneous Elemental and  Fire Fly. Not only do these quickly place minions with the same name into your hand, they generate 1 mana 5/5s once the quest is complete, and have Elemental synergy.

 Crystal Core is one of the trickier Quest rewards to make use of. It has obvious synergy with cheap, low-statted minions like  Bloodmage Thalnos or low-statted minions with strong effects or keywords like  Elven Minstrel,  Wax Elemental, and  Vicious Scalehide. On the flip-side, it has severe anti-synergy with many high-cost minions, as most will be reduced in stats or gain little to no benefit. Low-cost charge minions like  Stonetusk Boar and  Southsea Deckhand are extremely effective with Crystal Core, which make up the bulk of the damage dealing and allows return-to-hand effects to remain highly effective. Other cheap token-generating minions such as  Violet Teacher and  Moroes can also work well with it.

Because the quest reward is a spell,  Preparation is very useful for playing the reward earlier.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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