Template:Untapped Potential strategy

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This is a fairly simple quest to complete. Try to leave just one Mana after each turn and you can complete it as early as turn 5. The main drawback to consider for this quest is that you will be behind on tempo for a few turns since you are effectively losing at least one Mana per turn to progress the quest.  Crystal Merchant can alleviate some of this tempo loss, helping you guarantee value once the quest is complete. While a fast quest completion is important, don't be afraid to use cards that will leave you without unspent mana if it will help you stabilize.

You can use  Innervate or  The Coin (if going second) to round out your mana curve and complete your quest one turn earlier. This is generally not necessary unless you have a Choose One card you want to play on turn 5, such as  Starfall or  Oasis Surger.

 Keeper Stalladris is a natural fit for an Untapped Potential deck, since you'll naturally be including plenty of Choose One spells.

The reward essentially gives you the effect of  Fandral Staghelm for the rest of the game, and thus has synergy with decks heavily based on Choose One cards, such as  Druid of the Claw,  Cenarius,  Tending Tauren,  Hidden Oasis, and Oasis Surger. Even normally inefficient cards like  Mark of the Loa and Starfall are much more powerful when their effects are combined.  Wardruid Loti is a particularly powerful minion if all her effects are combined.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

ULD 131.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.