Tradeable/Wild format

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This page lists all cards with or related to Tradeable available in Wild format.

For information on the Tradeable ability itself, and card lists for Standard format, see Tradeable.

Cards with Tradeable[edit | edit source]

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
SW 023.png
DED 004.png
SW 114.png
CORE SW 114.png
SW 441.png
ONY 025.png
SW 412.png
DED 504.png
SW 046.png
DED 009.png
UPCOMING 101142.png
ONY 027.png
WON 064.png
ETC 320.png
TOY 802.png
DED 512.png
REV 023.png
CORE SW 094.png
SW 094.png
SW 055.png
CORE SW 072.png
SW 072.png
SW 307.png
EX1 005.png
CORE EX1 005.png
DED 527.png
SW 107.png
SW 061.png
SW 042.png
CORE SW 066.png
SW 066.png
JAM 034.png
SW 463.png
DED 506.png
SW 086.png
SW 429.png
WW 434.png
TOY 880.png
TOY 509.png
ETC 099.png
ETC 208.png
ONY 029.png

Uncollectible[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
UPCOMING 100102.png
WON 064ts.png
SCH 199t28.png

Sources of Tradeable[edit | edit source]

Tradeable-generating cards[edit | edit source]

This section lists cards which generate Windfury minions.

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
WW 331.png
WON 064.png
SCH 199.png
WW 332.png

Related cards[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DED 004.png
DED 504.png
SW 045.png
DED 009.png
TOY 802.png
DED 512.png
WW 003.png
DED 527.png
TOY 880.png
TOY 509.png