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Xenedar is an uncollectible paladin location card, from the Caverns of Time set.

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WON 053.png


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The Xenedar is a dimensional ship belonging to the Army of the Light and their former headquarters.
After thousands of years of war against the Burning Legion, the Golden Army was ready to launch their final assault on the demonic homeworld of Argus. It split off from the Genedar some time after the draenei fled Argus. When  Illidan Stormrage used the Sargerite Keystone to connect Argus with Azeroth, Azeroth's Armies of Legionfall traveled to Argus aboard another dimensional ship, the Vindicaar. Soon after the Vindicaar arrived the Xenedar did as well, only for it to be immediately shot down by the forces of the Legion.
It would later be discovered that Turalyon, High Exarch of the Army of the Light, had survived the crash. After an adventurer from Azeroth united with him, and later with his wife  Alleria Windrunner, the three traveled to the crashed Xenedar to retrieve Xe'ra, the naaru who had previously sent her sentience core, Light's Heart, to Azeroth. Xe'ra was brought to the Vindicaar, as the Army of the Light secured the ship to avoid it falling into the Legion's hands.


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