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This content is only for Battlegrounds.

Attack is an attribute in Battlegrounds.

Attack in Battlegrounds works identically to how it does in any other game mode: Attack measures a character's capacity to deal damage, and is found on all Minion cards. The current Attack value is shown in the bottom left, set against a single sword for heroes and minions, or a pair of crossed swords for weapons.

In Battlegrounds, heroes gain attack at the end of a Combat phase equal to their current Tavern Tier, as well as the combined Tavern tiers of their minions.

Related cards[edit | edit source]

Attack-related cards[edit | edit source]

These cards have effects related to the Attack attributes of characters.

Minions[edit | edit source]

Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BGS 056 Battlegrounds.png
BG21 013 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 082 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 022 Battlegrounds.png

Others[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG22 HERO 007p.png

Attack-granting cards[edit | edit source]

These cards grant Attack to other cards.

Minions[edit | edit source]

Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG29 888 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 814 Battlegrounds.png
BGDUO 114 Battlegrounds.png
BG24 009 Battlegrounds.png
BG22 401 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 800 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 004 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 040 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 008 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 990 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 146 Battlegrounds.png
BG23 357 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 011 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 501 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 022 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 810 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 300 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 502 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 071 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 556 Battlegrounds.png
BGDUO 107 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 963 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 140 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 877 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 810 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 082 Battlegrounds.png
BG28 707 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 991 Battlegrounds.png
BGDUO 119 Battlegrounds.png
BGDUO 117 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 816 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 360 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 871 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 084 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 025 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 005 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 007 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 845 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 137 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 155 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 803 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 030 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 046 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 815 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 032 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 152 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 844 Battlegrounds.png
BG24 500 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 531 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 029 Battlegrounds.png
BG28 741 Battlegrounds.png
BG28 555 Battlegrounds.png
BG28 633 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 537 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 014 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 806 Battlegrounds.png
BGDUO 121 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 840 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 804 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 879 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 523 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 815 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 846 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 555 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 354 Battlegrounds.png
BG28 634 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 841 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 872 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 041 Battlegrounds.png
BG24 012 Battlegrounds.png
BG28 551 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 535 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 020 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 083 Battlegrounds.png

Others[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TB BaconShop HP 061.png
TB Bacon Secrets 08.png
BGS Treasures 000.png
BG20 GEM.png
BG20 HERO 280p3.png
TB Bacon Secrets 13.png
BG26 502t.png
BG20 HERO 301p.png
BG23 006t.png
BG23 006 Gt.png
BG20 HERO 282p.png
BG20 HERO 100p.png
TB BaconShop HP 042.png
BG22 HERO 002p.png
BG26 HERO 102p.png
BG23 011t.png
BG23 011 Gt.png
BG23 000 Gt.png
BG23 000t.png
BG21 HERO 000 Buddyt.png
BG24 Reward 113.png
BG29 879t.png
BG26 501t.png
BG27 002t.png
TB BaconShop HP 107.png
TB BaconShop HP 014.png
TB BaconShop HP 087t.png
TB BaconShop HP 015.png
BG23 007t.png
BG23 007 Gt.png
TB BaconShop HP 066.png
TB BaconShop HP 037a.png
BG20 HERO 283p t1.png
TB BaconShop HP 069.png
TB BaconShop HP 036.png
BG21 HERO 000p.png
BG21 HERO 000p2.png
BG21 HERO 000p3.png
BG28 519.png
BG20 HERO 102p.png
BG28 885.png
BG20 HERO 242p.png
EBG Spell 014.png
TB BaconShop HP 045.png
BG23 HERO 306p.png
TB BaconShop HP 001.png
BG28 897.png
TB BaconShop HP 085.png
BG28 966.png
BG28 520.png
BG28 604.png
BGDUO 123.png
TB BaconShop HP 104.png
BG28 168.png
BG28 886.png
BG28 825.png
BG28 814.png
BG28 888.png
BG28 845.png
BG28 169.png
EBG Spell 032.png
BG28 607.png
BG28 602.png
BG28 605.png