Bolvar Fordragon

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For other uses of Bolvar Fordragon, see Bolvar Fordragon (disambiguation).

Bolvar Fordragon is a legendary paladin minion card, from the Goblins vs Gnomes set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Goblins vs Gnomes
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Goblins vs Gnomes
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Bolvar Fordragon notes.

  • Bolvar's effect works by granting him a buff upon the death of each friendly minion that occurred while Bolvar himself is in the player's hand.[1]
  • Any increase to Bolvar's Attack as a result of the buff will be displayed while he is in hand.[2] However, the opponent will not be able to see this effect in any way.[3]
  • Once Bolvar has been summoned, the effect (if any) will be granted through a buff. As a result it can be removed through Silences and other means.[1] Silencing Bolvar will return his Attack to its base value of 1.[4]
  • If Bolvar is returned to the hand, he will lose the buff and be reset to his original values.[5] Re-summoning effects such as  Reincarnate,  Ancestral Spirit and  Kel'Thuzad will also restore him to his original values.[6][7]
  • Despite the card's ambiguous wording, the controlling hero does not gain Attack; only Bolvar.[8]
  • If a player uses  Mind Vision to copy a buffed Bolvar that is in the opponent's hand, the copy they generate will have the basic stats of 1/7.[9]


  • ▶️ VO_GVG_063_Play_01.wav Come forth, coward!
  • ▶️ Alliance_Play_Stinger_2.wav <music stinger>


"After suffering betrayal at the doorstep of his nemesis, a brave paladin was reborn in the searing heat of enchanted dragon flames. No longer fit to dwell among the living, alone he shall endure as the steward of a misbegotten throng."
—Jailor of the Damned
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Highlord Bolvar Fordragon was a venerated paladin of the Alliance and served as the Regent of Stormwind following the disappearance of King Varian Wrynn. Upon Varian's return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Bolvar was killed by the Forsaken Blight and reanimated by the flames of the red dragonflight.
Bolvar's body was altered by the dragons' flame, and was taken by the Scourge into Icecrown Citadel, where he was tortured by the Lich King in an attempt to bend him to his will. However, the noble spirit of Bolvar resisted the Lich King's depravations. After the death of Arthas Menethil, the mortal host of the Lich King, Bolvar demanded that  Tirion Fordring place the Helm of Domination, containing all of the powers of the Scourge, on Bolvar's head so that he would forever be the jailer of the damned - imprisoning the Lich King within the Frozen Throne once more and containing the threat of the Scourge.


  • Bolvar is the first card to gain a buff while in the hand. The developers had to implement new functionalities specifically for Bolvar in order to make this possible.[10]
  • Bolvar is also the first card to feature a visual effect which varies depending on the conditions under which it is played.[11] In this case, the lion's head visual effect produced upon summoning Bolvar is larger and brighter the higher his starting Attack. The effect was the work of Becca Abel.[11]
  • Bolvar's entrance music is taken from Stormwind, shared with  Varian Wrynn.


Patch changes

External links

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  2. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  3. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  4. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  5. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  6. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  7. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  8. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  9. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-01). 
  10. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2014-12-02). 
  11. 11.0 11.1 John Zwicker on Twitter (X). (2014-12-16).