Menagerie deck

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"The creatures must be saved."

A menagerie deck is a deck which specifically includes minions of different minion types to gain the benefits of cards that require multiple minion types to be efficient.

Example cards[edit | edit source]

Party Animal
Roaring Applause
The Curator
Tent Trasher
The One-Amalgam Band
N'Zoth, God of the Deep

History[edit | edit source]

The menagerie deck was introduced with One Night in Karazhan, with the adventure adding the first cards to specifically reward the inclusion of multiple minion types in one deck.

The concept of synergy with multiple minion types was left unseen until The Witchwood, with the introduction of the  Nightmare Amalgam, who had every type at once. Descent of Dragons released cards which let 2/3 of the iconic menagerie tribes interact with each other once more, with  Tasty Flyfish and  Skyfin being Murlocs with Dragon synergy, and  Scalelord from Galakrond's Awakening being vice versa.

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire had the new warrior cards  Ringmaster Whatley and  Ringmaster's Baton introduce a new menagerie combination of the Dragon, Mech and Pirate types, as well as some cards such as  Tent Trasher and  N'Zoth, God of the Deep supporting any combination of types.

With the addition of dual-type minions in March of the Lich King, menagerie style decks have gained more flexibility, because an influx of pre-existing minions could now double dip on type-specific synergies. Festival of Legends introduced further support and payoff cards, such as  Roaring Applause and  Power Slider for Warrior, and the Neutral Legendary  The One-Amalgam Band, all of which benefit from playing as many different minion types as possible.