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This article contains history of Sneed.

Patch changes


  • MoLK Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2023-02-14):
    • Minion type is now Goblin (previously: Pirate).
  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-16):
    • The cost visual is displayed 300 Coins correctly.
  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-02):
    • 2021-11-03: Unable to craft (due to wrong cost).
    • 2021-11-03: Craftable for 300 Coins functionally.
    • Added.



  • VSC Logo.pngPatch (2022-04-05):
    • Now reads: Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors.Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (4).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (6).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (8).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (10). (previously: Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors.Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (2).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (3).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (4).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (5).)
  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-16):
    • Now reads: Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors.Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (2).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (3).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (4).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage the target's neighbors. Bleed (5). (previously: Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage target's neighbor.Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage target's neighbor. Bleed (2).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage target's neighbor. Bleed (3).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage target's neighbor. Bleed (4).Deal damage equal to your Attack. If Activate Saw is active also damage target's neighbor. Bleed (5).)
  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-02):
    • Added.

Activate Saw

  • VSC Logo.pngPatch (2022-04-05):
    • Now reads: Gain +9 Attack for 2 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +10 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +11 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +12 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +13 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy. (previously: Gain +6 Attack for 2 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +7 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +8 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +9 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.Gain +10 Attack for 3 turns. Attack a random enemy.)
  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-02):
    • Added.



Skull Dust

Titanium Blades

Extra Blades

  • VSC Logo.pngPatch (2022-04-05):
    • Now reads: Battlecry: Start with Activate Saw 5 active for 2 turns. (previously: Sneed starts with Activate Saw 5 active for 1 turn.)
  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-02):
    • Added.



  • United in Stormwind Mini-set logo wHS.pngPatch (2021-11-02):
    • Now reads: Deal {0} damage to all enemies, then reduce their Attack by {1} this turn. (previously: Deal {0} damage to all enemies, then reduce its Attack by {1} this turn.)
  • United in Stormwind logo.pngPatch (2021-10-12):
    • Added.


Concealed Weapon

Treasure Chest


Cleaving Strike



Prior to Patch, Sneed could be offered 3 of these treasures after the player claimed victory from a normal fight.

Note: Treasures with 5 tiers would be displayed as tier 3, which could be offered on bounties with level 20 or higher, as a prime example. For more information, see Mercenaries/Bounty#History.
Replacement Parts {0}


Prior to Patch, Sneed could be offered 3 of these treasures after the player claimed victory from an elite fight.

Note: Treasures with 5 tiers would be displayed as tier 5, which could be offered in bounties with level 20 or higher, as a prime example. For more information, see Mercenaries/Bounty#History.
Replacement Parts {0}