Patches the Pirate (Twist hero)

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Patches the Pirate is a rogue hero, for use in Twist format seasons.

Related cards

THD 025hp.png
Tied Hero Power
THD 025p.png


Patches the Pirate uses these decks:

Patches the Pirate
This deck can be used in Twist after unlocking  Patches the Pirate.
0Rogue Backstab1
1Rogue Blackwater Cutlass1
1Rogue Bloodsail Flybooter1
1Rogue Dig for Treasure1
1Warrior Execute1
1Rogue Gone Fishin'1
1Rogue Jolly Roger1
1Neutral Patches the Pirate1
1Warrior Shiver Their Timbers!1
1Warrior Sky Raider1
1Rogue Swashburglar1
2Neutral Amalgam of the Deep1
2Neutral Bloodsail Raider1
2Rogue Eviscerate1
2Rogue Fan of Knives1
2Neutral Fogsail Freebooter1
2Warrior Harbor Scamp1
2Warrior Obsidiansmith1
2Neutral Parachute Brigand1
2Rogue Serrated Bone Spike1
2Rogue Toy Boat1
3Warrior Ancharrr1
3Rogue Bargain Bin Buccaneer1
3Demon Hunter Crow's Nest Lookout1
3Warrior Defias Cannoneer1
3Neutral Pufferfist1
3Warrior Skybarge1
3Rogue Swordfish1
4Rogue Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
4Neutral Hoard Pillager1
4Warrior Sword Eater1
5Rogue Bootstrap Sunkeneer1
6Rogue Cannon Barrage1
7Neutral Mr. Smite1
7Rogue Pirate Admiral Hooktusk1


Attack underlay▶️Eye-eye.
Death underlay▶️<underlay sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Ahoy!
Emote: Well Played▶️Very savvy.
Emote: Oops▶️The compass be off.
Emote: Threaten▶️Walk the plank!
Emote: Thanks▶️Thank ye.
Unused: Sorry▶️Sorrrrry.
Concede▶️Abandon ship!
Start▶️I'm in charrrge now.
Running out of time▶️Light the fuse!
Thinking▶️What course...?
Thinking▶️Eye wonder…
Almost out of cards▶️I'm low on cards.
Out of cards▶️Me deck be empty.
Error: Need a weapon▶️Where's me cutlass?
Error: Not enough mana▶️I need mana.
Error: Minion exhausted▶️That minion already attacked.
Error: Hero already attacked▶️I need a break.
Error: Minion not ready▶️It can't attack yet.
Error: Hand already full▶️That card's thrown overboard!
Error: Too many minions▶️Me crew be full.
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️It has stealth.
Error: Can't play that card▶️I can't play that.
Error: Not a valid target▶️I can't aim at that.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️Look out, taunt ahead!
Error: Generic▶️I can't do that.
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️Batten down the hatches, let's set sail!
Emote: Greetings [Lunar New Year]▶️Let's dance a New Year jig.
Start [Mirror]▶️Arrre you, now?
Emote: Greetings [Holidays]▶️There be gifts ripe for the taking.
Emote: Wow▶️Shiver me timbers!
Emote: Greetings [Happy New Year]▶️Let's dance a New Year jig.
Emote: Greetings [Fire Festival]▶️Fire in the hole!
Unused: Greetings [Pirate Day]▶️It's Pirate's day! Let's parrrley!
Emote: Greetings [Happy Halloween]▶️There be a chill in the winds.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Noblegarden]▶️Set sail for eggs!
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️Ahoy, matey!


Patch changes

External links